
January 7, 2021

which of the following process come under mechanical machining

Apart from basic topographic information about the surface, several metallurgical, mechanical and physical properties, which may be altered during manufacturing processes, also come under the preview of surface integrity. Diameter of the hole is limited by the drill diameter; in fact, they are equal. Processes that come under this category are: Chemical machining, chemical milling and photochemical milling (PCM) 5. Our imported machine spares are of genuine quality and are guaranteed to give durable functionality so that you need not go for replacing machine parts frequently. a) conventional machining a) surface finishing View Answer, 13. 2 DOI: 10.1299jamdsm.2020jamdsm0033 2020 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers omatsu Inoue and akamoto Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems and Manufacturing 9ol.14 o.3 2020 of machining features that b) drilling b) abrasive process Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! d) none of the mentioned If workshop requirements are redefined in terms of mechanisms, there would be easier aspects of processing even complicated tooling. Casting is one of the important manufacturing processes among all processes. b) tapping Technically polishing refers to processes that use an abrasive that is glued to the work wheel, while buffing uses a loose abrasive applied to the work wheel. Unconventional machining processes 1. When there is a shift in production process, going mechanical takes you in a better way as it obviously helps for commercial aspects. d) none of the mentioned How Heavy Duty Lathe Machines Support Paper and Mining Industries? These objective type Manufacturing Processes - 1 questions are very important for campus placement test, semester exams, job interviews and competitive exams like GATE, IES, PSU, NET/SET/JRF, UPSC and diploma. c) buffing a) 2 d) none of the mentioned Since the past decade there is considerable improvement in metal industry worldwide. View Answer, 2. Polishing and buffing are finishing processes for smoothing a workpiece's surface using an abrasive and a work wheel or a leather strop. a) USM b) EDM c) LBM d) PAM View Answer Answer: a Explanation: USM removes material by mechanical erosion. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Machine Tools and Machining. © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. Positioning of the material is more important as it has to go in hand with the required type of facing like normal or precision. a) conventional machining When I think of a machinable steel, I think of a steel that lends itself to small chips (easy chip breaking) during a machining process such as lathe turning. In which type of metal removal process, thermal energy is included? All Rights Reserved. Dimension accuracy is not affected in metal removal process? Corners - This is applied to break sharp edges and to bring different forms of appearances such as round, sharp, chamfered, or angular edge. Dear Readers, Welcome to Manufacturing Processes - 1 multiple choice questions and answers with explanation. Multiple and Complicated Ranges of machining. c) nontraditional machining Schematic diagram of electro-discharge mechanical machining (BEDMM), geometrical and … d) none of the mentioned A resistance c) mechanical energy process Characteristics. View Answer, 5. Before going down to the machining process, we need to know about some terms, and they are as follows. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about:- 1. c) 4 To practice all areas of Machine Tools and Machining, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. b) chemical machining In which process, various energy forms other than sharp cutting tool is used to remove materials? View Answer, 9. View Answer, 7. Fundamentals of Machining 214 21.27 Explain the significance of Eq. b) abrasive process Use multi-point tools for milling and drilling. Unfortunately, proper upkeep of machinery and tooling is where it can get costly.Toolin… For perfect turning operation maintaining leverage distance will pave way to have better control on the cutting tool. In which type of metal removal process, grinding is included? d) polishing a) conventional machining Undercut - When there is reduction in diameter of work piece is required, undercut process is followed in this apparatus. d) none of the mentioned Instead of the burrs typically seen in mechanical machining, one will find thermal damages in the heat affected zones of machining. Machining is one subtractive manufacturing process by which excess material is gradually removed from a pre-formed blank using a cutter to impart intended shape, size and features. d) both surface finishing and metal removal Bed length distance is considered mandatory and beds covering maximum distance can be applied to tool work materials of large diameter. Multipurpose Mechanisms Required in Tooling. d) none of the mentioned Unconventional Machining Processes – Introduction An unconventional machining process (or non-traditional machining process) is a special type of machining process in which there is no direct contact between the tool and the workpiece. So machining is one process that comes under manufacturing step in the entire production system. Ultrasonic machining (USM) is a mechanical material removal process used to erode holes and cavities in hard or brittle workpieces by using shaped tools, high-frequency mechanical … Whether you’re a novice entrepreneur or someone who is looking forward to manufacturing and supplying metal parts for automotive, electronics, and other industries, understanding metal machining will help you with … -the process of removing unwanted material from work-piece in the from of chips to obtain a finished product of the desired shape, size, and finish 1. machine tool or machining center 2. work-piece 3. work-holding device 4. cutting tool It is imperative to properly use and maintain the cutting tools for quality purposes. With this apparatus, rotational parts, holes, grooves, tapers and threads on wood material can be produced. a) conventional machining c) nontraditional machining Why metal removal process is costly? Compared to manual machining, mechanical devices are much safer to work with provided the operator is provided considerable training in operations. The above graph shows the production requirements faced by metal work sectors. Operations including changing of square shaped work material in wood into cylindrical shape. What are the moulds/ Mold? Applications of ECM Process 3. Advantages 4. c) both more energy is required and some of the material is wasted This hallow shapes will be prepared with the help of patterns or the model of the final component. 2. The machining process may include mechanical, abrasive, thermal, or chemical methods of removing the material away to come up with the best product design and features. b) 3 Milling Machine And Turret Milling Machine – How Are They Different? c) nontraditional machining d) rolling While the process of machining common metals is widely understood, information and instruction on plastics machining is limited. Leading Nations which Concentrate on Changing over to Processing Equipments. Electrochemical machining is performed to remove material from an iron surface of 20 mm × 20 mm under the following conditions: Inter electrode gap = 0.2mm Supply voltage DC = 12V Specific resistance of electrolyte = 2 Ω a) sawing Apart from that forming grooves, parting work materials, reaming are some of the other successful operations through this device. Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. b) false Electrochemical machining is performed to remove material from an iron surface of 20 mm × 20 mm under the following conditions: Inter electrode gap = 0.2mm Supply voltage DC = 12V Specific resistance of electrolyte = 2 Ω Shoulders - This is applied to obtain a work material to be fitted as a particular portion and it is done with the help of mounting the material precisely in a chuck or between centers. View Answer, 15. View Answer, 6. Which of the following is not groped under the surface finishing process? Metal removal process is also termed as primary production process. In how many groups, metal removal process can be classified? Drilling is a conventional machining process that utilizes a two-flute drill to plunge into the solid surface to originate a hole. a) true This is offset by the fact that the heat affected zones tend to be small due to the shorter electron beam pulse in the EBM, so much so that the typical heat affected zone size after an EBM process is in the tune of 20 to 30 μm [3] . Europe is one of the leading nations that traditional to mechanical aspects in industries in order to fulfill safe requisites and regulatory aspects. Which of the following process is not grouped under metal removal process? b) false See more ideas about mechanical engineering, engineering, machining process. Call Now! 1. The desired form of the material will determine what type of tools you’ll need for the job. a) more energy is required View Answer, 10. Mechanics provide better results and it stays more effective for manufacturing sector. With an intention to provide maximum satisfaction we put in our efforts to offer our customers with best servicing support and spares for their existing machines. What is machining? b) abrasive process Explanation: Electrochemical process, chemical machining and mechanical energy process are all the types of nontraditional machining. Meaning of Electro-Chemical Machining (ECM): This process is developed on the principles of Faraday and Ohm. It this operation is done between the centers in terms of drilling the material in centre before it is mounted on the bed. View Answer, 11. b) metal removal Always start with lowest speed setting to avoid break offs during different turning operations like plane or step turning. Hello learners, today in this paper we are going to discuss What is Machining Process? Lathe is also found to be compatible for the following operations. This set of Machine Tools Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Machining Process”. d) none of the mentioned A sharp angled too bit helps to obtain precise facing operation. Why Industries go for Mechanical Processes? Which of the following process comes under mechanical machining? Bench mount lathes can provide enough torque and quantity to satisfy tuners and stays adequate for wood working. View Answer, 4. Methods Developed through Tooling Support in Different Industries, Lathe Machine – Most Prominently Preferred Option for Multiple Machining Tasks. A R C H I V E S o f F O U N D R Y E N G I N E E R I N G V o l u m e 2 0 , I s s u e 2 / 2 0 2 0 , 9 5 - 1 0 0 97 Fig. b) milling c) nontraditional machining Advanced Machining Process - Mechanical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers Home >> Category >> Mechanical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers >> Advanced Machining Process 1) The Laser Beam Machining process can be carried out, when the media for energy transfer between tool and workpiece is To see the full size images, you need to enable javascript in your browser. Apart from these, photochemical, chemical milling, ultrasonic machining, laser beam Lathe machines are principally applied for shaping requirements using wood or metal work materials therefore it comes under the general purpose tool category. This shape will be the final shape of the component what we want to make. The steps involved in casting process are … Mechanical Energy Methods:In these processes, unwanted material in the workpiece is removed by mechanical erosion. In which metal removal process, material is removed by particles? A machining process is called non-traditional if its material removal mechanism is basically different than those in the traditional processes, i.e. The following advantages of Ultrasonic are: Ultrasonic Machining can be used machine brittle, non-conductive material, Hard and Fragile material Heat is not generated in this Machining process so there is very little or negligible 8. Metal removal process gives poor contour on the compound. Which of the following is the type of nontraditional machining? and also see the types, advantages, disadvantages and applications of the Machining Process. View Answer, 12. Disadvantages and Limitations 5. When it comes to cutting and shaping, finding a compatible device that can perform overall operation at moderate investment is more important. Apart from common forms of drilling or grinding or cutting, the need to develop machining aspects in several manufacturing companies like aerospace, automobiles, construction, electronics, etc. a) true Depending on the flexibility and convenience of operations possible with this device, there have been many innovations introduced through specifications such as small or portable or semi-portable or bench mounted lathes for instance. Use single point tools for turning, boring, and planing. The Possibilities of Non-Stop Machining with Lathe. Which of the following is not the type of nontraditional machining? (21.7). d) 5 If we’re having a look at a mechanical parts machining process, as shown in the picture below, the main achievable improvements can be found in the following operations: the machining process … The process like Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM), Ultrasonic Machining (USM), Water Jet Machining (WJM) and Ion Beam Machining (IBM) are categorized under mechanical type of modern manufacturing process in which kinetic A hollow shape that gives a shape to the poured molten metal. Machining is carried out under the following conditions: Resistance 40 Ω Capacitance 20 μF Supply voltage 220 V Discharge voltage 110 V Average power input (in kW) is (a) 0.373 (b) 0.137 (c) 0.218 (d) 0.500 92. c) nontraditional machining Lathe belong this category of devices that can be depended on for more than the above mentioned processes. Mill Machining, Milling Process, Horizontal & Vertical Milling Machines Definition Milling is a process performed with a machine in which the cutters rotate to remove the material from the work piece present in the direction of the angle with the tool axis. a different form of energy (other than the excessive forces exercised by a tool, which is in physical contact with the Instructional Objectives (i) Identify electro-chemical machining (ECM) as a particular type of non-tradition processes (ii) Describe the basic working principle of ECM process (iii) Draw schematically the basics of ECM (iv) Draw the a) conventional machining b) some of the material is wasted c) milling In which machining process, removed metal is negligible? View Answer. The two basic types of cutting tools are single point and multi-point tools. This method or process is applied to create a work piece into desired length and surface so that measurements for further shaping can be taken precisely. View Answer, 14. In b) abrasive process a) boring a) true here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Machine Tools Questions and Answers – Metal Working and Cutting Tools, Next - Machine Tools Questions and Answers – Classification of Machine Tools, Machine Tools Questions and Answers – Metal Working and Cutting Tools, Food Engineering Questions and Answers – Effect of Food Processing on Nutrition and Food Safety, Automobile Engineering Questions and Answers, Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Questions and Answers, Casting, Forming & Welding II Questions and Answers, Casting, Forming & Welding I Questions and Answers, Engineering Metrology Questions and Answers, Mechanical Engineering Questions and Answers, Foundry and Forging Questions and Answers, Chemical Process Calculation Questions and Answers, Manufacturing Engineering / Processes II Questions and Answers, Manufacturing Engineering / Processes I Questions and Answers, Advanced Machining Processes Questions and Answers, Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – AJM – Material Removal Rate and Process parameters. View Answer, 8. This blog is written by Mr. Yash Shah about various machine tools including lathe, drill, milling, tool room and sheet metal machines. In this process, an electrolytic cell is formed by the anode … For the assisted hybrid machining, its main mechanical cutting (material removal) process is coupled with one or several other types of energy inputs such as ultrasonic vibration, thermal (laser or electronic beams), fluid, magnetic Casting is pouring a molten metal into the moulds. Selection of tooling gadgets like right-hand, left-hand, round-nose turning tool bit depend on the. d) none of the mentioned View Answer, 3. This has lead to the creation of smart devices to be applied for complicated processes like turning, surfacing, and many more. Each Mechanism Have Its Own Importance in Machine Tools Industry – Mechanical, Hydraulic and CNC, Significance of Heavy Duty Lathe Machine in Industrial Processes, List of Manufacturing Industries Which Depend in Hydraulic Mechanism, Important Machine Tools & Their Applications. The significance of Eq. Meaning of Electro-Chemical Machining (ECM) 2. Oct 29, 2020 - Explore Mechanical Students Community's board "Mechanical Engineering Theory", followed by 466 people on Pinterest. ______ metal removal process includes milling. (21.7) on p. 619 is that it determines an effective rake angle for oblique cutting (a process of more practical significance in most a) electrochemical process b) false Precision is another factor that attracts manufacturing sectors to follow machine assistance then follows safety concerns. 24.15 Which of the following will help to reduce the incidence of heat damage to the work surface in grinding (four correct answers): (a) frequent dressing or truing of the wheel, (b) higher infeeds, (c) higher wheel speeds, (d) higher work speeds, (e) lower infeeds, (f) lower wheel speeds, and (g) … Energy process are all the types of nontraditional machining d ) none of the following is the type of you’ll. Is negligible 4 d ) none of the hole is limited by the diameter! Complete set of Machine tools and machining lathe is also found to be compatible for the job which of the following process come under mechanical machining! 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